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IDiyas Upfront Trending Topic Newsletter

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The UpFront Research Report, a unique offering from IDiyas, provides inventors, attorneys, and investors with crucial preliminary data and insights on trending topics in a user-friendly PDF format. Backed by IDiyas, the world’s largest inventor-patent database, our UpFront Research Report is a comprehensive tool. With over 8 million USPTO-issued patents (since 1976) and published patent applications (since 2010), it offers a deep understanding of whether active or pending patents could hinder your innovation, product, or process in a specific geographic or jurisdiction of interest. The Upfront Research Report lists all Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) codes, patents, patent applications, inventors, attorneys, assignees, geographies/locations, and additional insights for review and analysis. Our data helps identify: ☛ The key inventors and collaborators worldwide ☛ The patent activities within a sector and in a particular geography or location ☛ The patents of those assignees that are patenting in that sector ☛ The timing and activity of the inventors, assignees, and attorneys ☛ Potential licensees ☛ The chronological development of a particular technology Report accuracy is further enhanced by our: ☛ Country coverage ☛ Period coverage ☛ Keyword search coverage ☛ Technology coverage ☛ Sub-technology coverage The report provides up to the weekly date data on: ☛ Patents ☛ Inventors ☛ Assignees ☛ Attorneys ☛ Geographic Locations ☛ CPC codes
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IDiyas Upfront Trending Topic Newsletter

Get Annual Access to the IDiyas Upfront Trending Topic Newsletter


The UpFront Research Report, a unique offering from IDiyas, provides inventors, attorneys, and investors with crucial preliminary data and insights on trending topics in a user-friendly PDF format. Backed by IDiyas, the world’s largest inventor-patent database, our UpFront Research Report is a comprehensive tool. With over 8 million USPTO-issued patents (since 1976) and published patent applications (since 2010), it offers a deep understanding of whether active or pending patents could hinder your innovation, product, or process in a specific geographic or jurisdiction of interest. The Upfront Research Report lists all Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) codes, patents, patent applications, inventors, attorneys, assignees, geographies/locations, and additional insights for review and analysis. Our data helps identify: ☛ The key inventors and collaborators worldwide ☛ The patent activities within a sector and in a particular geography or location ☛ The patents of those assignees that are patenting in that sector ☛ The timing and activity of the inventors, assignees, and attorneys ☛ Potential licensees ☛ The chronological development of a particular technology Report accuracy is further enhanced by our: ☛ Country coverage ☛ Period coverage ☛ Keyword search coverage ☛ Technology coverage ☛ Sub-technology coverage The report provides up to the weekly date data on: ☛ Patents ☛ Inventors ☛ Assignees ☛ Attorneys ☛ Geographic Locations ☛ CPC codes
  • Everything on Monthly Benefits plus 2-months free with Annual subscription

IDiyas Upfront Trending Topic Newsletter

Get a One Time Access to the IDiyas Upfront Trending Topic Newsletter


The UpFront Research Report, a unique offering from IDiyas, provides inventors, attorneys, and investors with crucial preliminary data and insights on trending topics in a user-friendly PDF format. Backed by IDiyas, the world’s largest inventor-patent database, our UpFront Research Report is a comprehensive tool. With over 8 million USPTO-issued patents (since 1976) and published patent applications (since 2010), it offers a deep understanding of whether active or pending patents could hinder your innovation, product, or process in a specific geographic or jurisdiction of interest. The Upfront Research Report lists all Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) codes, patents, patent applications, inventors, attorneys, assignees, geographies/locations, and additional insights for review and analysis. Our data helps identify: ☛ The key inventors and collaborators worldwide ☛ The patent activities within a sector and in a particular geography or location ☛ The patents of those assignees that are patenting in that sector ☛ The timing and activity of the inventors, assignees, and attorneys ☛ Potential licensees ☛ The chronological development of a particular technology Report accuracy is further enhanced by our: ☛ Country coverage ☛ Period coverage ☛ Keyword search coverage ☛ Technology coverage ☛ Sub-technology coverage The report provides up to the weekly date data on: ☛ Patents ☛ Inventors ☛ Assignees ☛ Attorneys ☛ Geographic Locations ☛ CPC codes
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